If True Got Porn Video Ariel idolized Unsuitable. Jakarta - Video porn like Ariel, Luna Maya and Cut Tari circulating on the Internet. If it really is three star in the video, Ariel, Luna and Dance idolized unfit children and adolescents.
"They should not become an idol again if they are proven guilty," said Secretary General of the Commission on Child Protection, Arist Merdeka Sirait when talking with detikhot by phone Thursday (06/10/2010).
Not only should idolized, if it's true, the three artists that, according to Arist also should apologize to the public and did not repeat his actions. He also hoped, all the people who are rumored to be in a porn video that will be male.
"Whether or not these cases they must be gentle, speak to the public so as not to drag on like this," he explained.
Arist not want to gossip video was protracted because it will constantly aired on television. So he asked him on all television stations to not repeat-ngulang sample porn video picture because it could have a negative impact on children and adolescents. Even if reported, he hoped the news was packed with educational and there pesang not emulated.
If True Got Porn Video Ariel idolized Unsuitable. "Children will be curious and find out about the video. While we know the kids are great imitators he will do the same thing with their idolai figure, it naturally happened to the children, because children like to imitate behavior from their idol, "he explained at length.
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