Short stories: Mother, Go Anywhere You For It!

/ Jun 8, 2010 /
Mother, Go Anywhere You For It! Highlights eyes had mine since six months ago. Cold beam and strokes in the face that is streamed live load. I've kasep with that cold. Pipe, disabling spotlight My idea about the warmth of the owners who met with minced sweet acapku.

As the morning it already, in the silence of emptiness stretching bond two people who did not instinct was kept. Before leaving for school, I first made the mother chopped jajakan package from home to eat home food. But this time I do not need to rush federal pedaling my parents, because it was a week after the National Exam.

Package containing pieces of fried sweet potatoes after steaming, it was not to burden my bike again, when passing a red light, there appeared a small boy clutching a stack of papers on her bare chest. Then I approached.

"The deck, today Riau Pos contains pegumuman PBUD 'right?"
Eight year old boy nodded eagerly, thinking I would buy a newspaper.
"Brother can you see? Moment ... aja! "I interrupted her excitement.
Round eyes that sparkled in anticipation, once bulged and his mouth go grouse. "Seeing the means to buy, let alone hold!" He barked forced to move.

Without despair, kukayuh trunk bike that was not branded to a stop, not far from the red light. A grim-looking gentlemen, is enjoying selintingan cigar tobacco in the ancient and sebentangan newspaper. His face adorned with large and bushy sideburns make me cringe too, but what may make me have to try first. "Oh my God ... I hope he ..." I have not had time on his side, suddenly a bus stop, the father rushed folded newspaper and boarded the bus.

"Yes ...," I just breathe deeply disappointed, without the spirit of the bike that is almost kusandarkan kunaiki electricity poles. "How is it, where else I could see free newspapers!" Half my heart whispered desperately. Start Kayuhanku helpless, so I berhalusinansi, to the left of the shady Acacia trees waved in my direction, under the arms offers the freshness of lush leaves. Without long thought to carry away, kurebahkan my bike and I leaned my back on sturdy stems. Not a few seconds to enjoy the coolness, a familiar voice greeted me.

"Hi ... fren ... congratulations ... you're welcome in Chemistry FKIP Lho ...! wah-wah nih teacher candidates, "to applause following the roll of paper landed on my shoulder.

"Wow ... it's you, Teja? It always comes with a carrying what I needed. I just worry nyari newspaper. "

"Ordinary ajalah. O yes, ah yes, I'm going nemenin you interview well, Rif? "
"Can-can! But where was my name in the paper? I want to see for yourself. Sapa tau misreading you again. "My eyes were busy watching a row of names listed in the pages of newspapers.

"Ha ... Tu, tu friend's eyes a little wide-eyed stare ..." Teja menghujamkan Syarifudin finger precisely on the name.
"Uh yes, yes! If so we go home again yuk! You kubonceng just friends. "


Arriving in the middle of the page, I quickly got off the bike without a chance again propped nicely, as he ran into the house. I went up the figure of a man who lay low in the corner opposite the kitchen. "Bah ..., Abah ... Arif escaped PBUD, Bah! Hope this will ease the way for college costs later on. "
Direction skinny arm reached for my shoulder and then move my head rubbed. With tears in his eyes as he stammered sentences cut. "Whatever you step in achieving the ideals, the father always meridhoimu. Be the hero in aspire. "

When me and the direction late in the warmth, the visible figure of a busy kitchen open steam, occasionally glanced at us with a look that casual. She did not react or respond to the news I was telling you. I'm used to face the mother's coldness. Even I do not remember the warmth he's ever given. Maybe it was one of them complementary addition to suffering from poverty. Mother kept stirring in the chopped sweet steam., I think he was fed up with the news that did not change one bit the family economy. Silence without liquidity that could I put myself in with her mother, made me help him without orders and governed. Kujerang skillet containing oil to fry the chopped sweet that you just removed from the steam.


In the morning I rushed to deliver the package chopped sweet shops and restaurants. I'm in a hurry, so I stopped by Teja's house and forced him to borrow his father's motorcycle.
On the way driving speed Teja so Astrea father. When arrived at the intersection of unpaved roads, rain water remaining in some holes in the road littered Apolo my black pants. Then the motor was leaking tire, because sangking speed and poor road, plus the old tires.
Teja looks of pity, "The spirit buddy! This natural codes! You've learned, is not it? Ethics interview ... "Teja develop his smile.

With a little relieved by a sense of cautious attitude wasku Teja, he dragged Astrea immediate help to the workshop who happened not far from where we stood.

"What my dear dear ...?"
"If only God asked me to submit my loved ones, then I will willingly he took my mother from you."

"Ha, what did you just say, buddy? Eling dong! Over the life of a mother's love, the love of friends along the friendship. "Teja pay the wages of the workshop and we step on the gas.


Interview process has been almost a week passed, with the hope that more and more passionate, I want to escape. I believe I got away, because I answered every question correctly, and honestly, including propesi of my parents. I continue to be patient waiting Teja comes with a cry of 'my good luck honey!', 'You're great friends, treat-treat!' Or something ordinary out of his mouth. My patience was already very old, if I can not be supported by wise sayings that always soothes my direction.

Saturday afternoon menugasiku mother sweet rasp to make steamed cake orders to be entered into a social gathering neighbors. Grate the sweet potatoes while I watched him closely gaunt face an increasingly lifeless father again. Were increasingly falling hair. I'm sorry for all the conditions of the father, has been nearly four years he did not pull oplet again, meaning also has been nearly four years he was lying. Abah, hold on ... wait for me to be someone. Allow me to serve.

Kuparut yam has been completed. And by chance the mother had just come home from the market. When I relax, relax your wrist, Teja came up with the pace and pale face showed no excitement. I feel bad change. Moreover, I saw a roll of paper in his hand. He approached me very slowly as he whispered. "Patience my friend, the struggle is not over, God is probably destined SMPTN we come together."

I quickly got to hear a greeting Teja. "Do not talk of destiny, Tej! If it's completely impossible. You know, from this PBUD I either college or not. "Upset.

Teja looked at me incredulously, "I will help you buy a form!" He menmcoba understand me.
"Save bujukanmu, comrade."

Mom was busy with his work, as usual, as though he had never heard anything about the troubles. My chest is getting hot, the scenery is alternately in my mind was my father's face, lying weak and faces a cool mom. I no longer think, to banging your head against the wall of a house which I saw as the composition of bread, a soft pillow.


Cold it was over as the last drop of blood from the top of ubunku .***

Azizah Masdar,
Indragiri Hulu coed STIE
Paragraph Writing School Alumni

Short stories: Mother, Go Anywhere You For It!

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