Any activities that are prone to pornography and porno action activities are activities to sing. In many countries this is proven, even in Indonesia. Dangdut Song "Cinta Satu Malam" Taught Free Sex.
Aura Kasih with the song "Mari Bercinta", thick with erotic atmosphere. This song was rhythmic porn. No wonder the video song "Mari Bercinta" out-habisn censored by the government. And now it's happening again, dangdut song titled "Cinta Satu Malam" atmosphere is thick with porn. How not? In the song "Cinta Satu Malam" sung Melinda tells the love story that happened just last night. Love that last night was like in heaven.
In the video the song "Cinta Satu Malam" which has not been censored for telling two young children, a clubbing at a nightclub, after clubbing, young men and women is one of the main house toward youth, and end with intercourse. I'm not lying, the atmosphere is very thick free sex in the lyrics to this song.
In Indonesia, the song "Cinta Satu Malam" was being exploded. Where we walked, not infrequently this song is playing. In the markets, malls, city buses, schools and others. We must be more cautious in the days everything is permitted. Free sex is not permissible that we should do, should we waste all the way to survive the world and the hereafter.
So, do not be infatuated with the song, especially the more "Cinta Satu Malam" which sung artist Melinda. We remind him, maybe he forgot his song bahwasannya thick berarorama obscene, let's take on all forms of free sex!
5 komentar:
Cinta satu malam...lagu kurang bagus buat di denger tuhhh
kunjungan malam.... maaf bru bisa berkunjung...
kurang ngerti lagu-lagu baru...
mmg harus waspada thp setip propaganda yg terselubung....waspadalah...
begitulah cara-cara syetan didalam menyesat umat manusia, yaitu menghiasi kebobrokan dengan kata-kata yang indah. Semoga yang menyanyi dan yang mengarang lagu dapat insaf dan tobat atau sebaliknya dilaknat dan mendapat musibah. Semoga umat Islam ditanah air tetap konsekwen dengan ajaran agamanya. Amin
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