Negotiations between groups of young and old groups in preparing the text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence took place at 2:00 to 4:00 a.m. in the morning. Text of the proclamation was written in the dining room at the Admiral Tadashi Maeda Jln Imam Bonjol No. 1. The compilers of the text of the proclamation was Ir. Soekarno, Drs. Moh. Hatta, and Mr. Ahmad Soebarjo. The concept of the text of the proclamation was written by Ir. Soekarno himself. In the front room, was present Sayuti Melik BM Diah, Sukarni and Soediro. Sukarni suggested that the proclamation was signed text is Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation. Proclamation of Indonesian text was typed by Sayuti Melik. In the morning, August 17, 1945, at the residence of Sukarno, the East 56th Street Pegangsaan have attended, among others Soewirjo, Wilopo, Gafar Pringgodigdo, Tabrani and Trimurti. The event began at 10:00 with the reading of the proclamation by Sukarno and spliced a short speech without text. Then the flag, which had been sewn by bu Fatmawati, flown, followed by a speech by Soewirjo, deputy mayor of Jakarta at the time and Moewardi Hospital, chairman of the Barisan Pioneer.
Trimurti initially asked to raise the flag but he refused on the grounds pengerekan flag should be performed by a soldier. Therefore, it instituted a Hendraningrat Latief, a soldier of PETA, assisted by Suhud for the task. A young woman emerged from behind a tray of Red and White (Sang Saka Merah Putih), which was sewn by Fatmawati few days earlier. After the flag waving, singing Indonesia Raya audience. [4]. Until now, the inheritance flag is still stored in the Museum Monument National Monument.
After the ceremony took place, approximately 100 members, led Barisan S. Brata Pioneers came in a hurry because they do not know where the sudden change from the Pegangsaan Ikada. They are demanding Sukarno repeated readings of the Proclamation, but refused. Finally Hatta gave a brief message to them. [5]
On August 18, 1945, Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) make a decision, approved and set the Basic Law (Constitution) as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia, hereinafter known as the Constitution 45. Thus, the State Government formed the shape of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (Homeland), with sovereignty in the hands of the people who carried out entirely by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) to be formed later.
After that Sukarno and M. Hatta was chosen upon the recommendation of Oto PPKI Iskandardinata and approval of the president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia first. President and vice president will be assisted by a National Committee.
21 komentar:
kunjungan perdana :)
I love Indonesia!!!!!!!!!! I love Heroes Indonesia!!
nice blog. hope you will become a follower of my blog too?
We, the people of Indonesia, hereby declare the independence of Indonesia
This article is very interesting ...!
Teks proklamasi yang bersejarah kawand
Thanks for visiting my blog, interesting reading here.
Thank your for your nice comment at my blog!
That´s an interesting article you wrote.
Greetings from Germany,
promosikan negara kita ke luar negeri,,, mantap sob...
Wah, sejarah proklamasi indonesia nih. nice info friend.....
merdeka... dirgahayu republik indonesia...
without all that people perhaps we still not reach the freedom, dirgahayu indonesia
weh lembaran asli proklamasi ya sob...
makasih sharingnya
Bentar, kok gw jadi mikir yak, nama blog nya Indonesia tapi isinya English gini?? Udah gw coba klik "Translate to Indonesian" tapi malah tampilan ancur Google Translate yang keliatan..
Dirgahayu Indonesia :)
thank you for visiting!
come back anytime
great post !
teks asli proklamasi..
merdeka indonesia!!
Salam persahabatan!
Semoga artikelnya jadi pembangkit nasionalisme nih :)
maju perut, pantat mundur...!!hehehehehe...
thx for sharing...
senang rasanya bisa berkunjung ke sini stlh sekian lama vakum
berkunjung ke blog sahabat
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